Many, many years ago I found a site with a thing called "Laws of Anime". So, since I've been watching more and
more anime, and have gotten Yuuki into anime, we have decided to create our own list with things that we have learned.
These are Rules, and Laws that have been seen throughout many anime
1.) Collar bones are sexy ...
2.) Guy on guy action is sexy ...
3.) The younger the character, the higher the sex appeal (12-year-olds are the height of sex appeal)
4.) If you're not a big enough character to have a name, prepare to die within the new few episodes ...
5.) You don't need expensive hair products to have rainbow coloured hair
6.) Hair can defy the laws of physics.
7.) There is no such thing as Physics
8.) Gravity is just a suggestion
9.) Slipper and shoes are the deadliest weapon known to man
10.) Even the biggest and scariest man is rendered harmless by a kitten.
11.) No one, absolutely NO ONE, can defend against a woman's slap.
12.) Main Characters must always come in groups of five. The Single main character may or may not be apart of this group.
If the group contains more than five, all characters over that amount become background and undeveloped.
13.) When the anime contains any form of magic; from obvious fantasy to hints of ancient teachings, the four ancient Chinese
gods must always be shown. Whether mentioned off-hand, the series evolving around, summoned randomly, or having 4 characters
based off of them.
14.) Nudity, or some form of undergarment flashing must always be present. Either the female will have her clothes ripped
off, change clothes randomly, or take a shower. If none of these options present themselves, she will randomly be wearing
a skirt on a windy day, or will fall in such a way her skirt flips up. And the camera must always zoom into this event.
15.) A-Cups do not exist, unless she is 9. Puberty automatically equals the body of a full-grown female. Unless she is
meant to be flat-chested, and it is pointed out several times throughout the series
16.) Even the dorkiest and ugliest female has the potential to be a "sex-kitten" with a little coaxing.
17.) Every series must have at least ONE flamingly gay male.
18.) Every male, whether they have exercied a day in their life or not, has a full 8-pack and defined chest.
19.) Every old man is a pervert, and no women can defend against his attack, until AFTER it has happened.
20.) At least one character has to have lost their parents in a car accident.
21.) Never underestimate the power of puppies.
22.) During a fight, the "enemy" or a secondary character must explain their ENTIRE life story during the fight,
or just standing across from their opponent, waiting to fight. And the "good-guy" must wait, and continuously ask
23.) The ones that have lost their parents are always the most insightful and leave others with good moral advice.
24.) Everyone can hold their breath for almost an hour, unless the story plot deems it less.
1.) Red heads do not have stamina.
2.) A tennis match can solve anything.
3.) A tennis ball is the deadliest weapon known to man, and has the ability to lift up, and throw an opponent across the
court. It is also able to break joints and limbs.
4.) Gravity and Physics are a suggestion.
5.) Tidal waves, lightening, tornadoes, and freak wind storms are common occurences during tennis matches.
6.) No 13-year-old ever looks their age.
7.) Lefties aren't as small a population as we are led to believe, and yet will lead to exclamations of "A lefty!"
Every time one is seen.
8.) One does not need to have their eyes opened to see. Walking around with your eyes closed is perfectly normal.
9.) "Tummy shots" are a requirement.